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In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

i have the rights to post my disappointments.

y o u
kenapa kan kau janji baik punya lepas tu still mungkir jugak? then, you said you wouldn't repeat the same mistakes and yet YOU STILL DO. what kind of human is this? i've never heard of your species before. you killing me. theoretically of course. sakit hati. pening kepala nak memikirkan, macamana nak ubah perangai kau. aku nak tolong, tapi kau sendiri weak, tak nak kalah dengan bisikan setan. i hate what you did, but i don't hate you. please remember that.

pedulikan aku type pasal siapa. it doesn't really concern you. this kinda between me, "you" and God.

ya tuhan. tolong lah "you" ni. aku tak tau macamana. dia tahu jalan, tapi tak nak ikut. hampeh bagai. -.-

jangan buat assumptions tentang siapa aku cakap ni. nanti jadi fitnah.


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