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In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

i'm in the mood of writing but i don't know what to write. if i start ranting again about human's behavior, my blog would be hated and might get suspended.

let's rant about facebook. *nods head*

why did I deleted my facebook?

i'd say "simply", but it's much more complicated than that.

maybe it's because there's so much cons than pros? don't you think about that?

i know before i depart from malaysia, i've said, if anything just find me through facebook, cos i'm always there. maybe that is the problem; I'M ALWAYS THERE!

i don't really give out comments or wall post but i just check on people. and like their videos, their posts, or something. and i stalk people. *gasp*

facebook is really a medium for someone to stalk you. (besides twitter) anyway twitter is just another thing, it doesn't give much of info unlike facebook. oh well, we'll get to that.

facebook allows you to post whatever you doing, whoever you're dating, wherever you're living, where did you get your education, where are you working, where are you now, who's your friend, your family members, your best friends, etc etc, you get the point k.

it's fun when you have everyone's info and their "what's up" at the tip of your finger but pls note that facebook never, i repeat, NEVER erases these infos. these infos are stored somewhere and will be use for some intelligence agency (i'm thinking CIA, haha) and yeah, you are pretty much pwned. and i used the game slang to show that you are really PWNED!!

you might say, "ahh, this is BS. where they gonna find so much space for all the infos. pfft"

let me respond to that. ehem. there's no limit of space when you stalk someone. they must've some technologically awesome nano thingy to store gazillions of infos. mhmm.

you might say i'm paranoid and such, but to prove it to you, give me a good reason why can't you delete your facebook for good? and if you deactivate it you'd be able to restore all your things, and it will be as good as where you left it.



and if you do delete some stuff at facebook, it's just hidden on the eyes of the public, but not for the intelligence agency.

if you don't believe me, read the terms and conditions of facebook. that's right, you don't like to read the terms and conditions. how would you know what's really going on?

this doesn't really summed up why did i delete my facebook. haha. -.-

oh and twitter, you can only let ppl stalk you when you tell the whole world "what are you up to?"

so. this website is basically telling ppl like :
"Hey, do you like to be stalked? come and join twitter!"
"You'll be announcing to the world what are you up to" (and you can count the amount who actually cares about it)

i will let my twitter live because i know my dad checks up on me there. since my facebook died he should know what am i up to. right dad? hehe. and of course, my best mates. they'd know what's up with me.

actually, twitter is meant for celebrities cos we'll love to know what are they up to. but some ppl think they're celebrities by floating my homepage with their insignificance tweets. and to tweet every 1 minute? oh no. where is the block button? ha ha. kidding. you'll free to do whatever you want. just think that, "hey, maybe i shud lessen my insignificance tweets so ppl wont get bored of me?". :P

celebrities does that, (tweets every 5 seconds) but you do know when you like / adore someone, you wouldn't care about their annoying behaviours because they are "perfect" in your eyes. -.-

WOOHOO! my rants are getting longer and longer.

i think i shud create an email, in case the hate mails are coming. huahuahua.

on a short note, happy father's day to ayah. i miss talking mindless things with you. hee.

PS : stress pimples are out, sprouting like mushrooms!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder what you're up to that you don't want the 'CIA' to get a hold of any of your information :D