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In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

whenever I release my inner thoughts it never come out right.
I should learn when I should talk and when I shouldn't.
let's just pick to be quiet -- so that I'll commit less foul in talking.

to please human is so challenging. so just stick to the plan of pleasing your Lord.

why can't we learn?
life is about give and take.
and to have a clean heart, salamatussadr and try to husnu zhon (cos I know it's hard)

tolerate. that's all I crave for.

lesson of the week

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

setelah struggle dengan nafs dan emotion pada minggu ini,
satu-satunya conclusion aku dapat adalah;

rebelling doesnt benefits oneself, plus it make us loss. (as in rugi)


aku struggle antara apa aku nak buat dengan apa yang Allah nak aku buat.
jadi, marilah kita kembali ke pangkal jalan;

rabbi yassir wala tuassir.