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Politics and whatnot.

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

From what I've heard yesterday, 2 speech from 2 people, I can't tell whether it's a different person, because both of them are in the government team, it's very contradicting.

I'm not taking any sides, I'm not pro-gov, or pro-opp. I'm neutral.

What does that mean? It means, I only listens & agree whatever they say/do that's good. Or so I think so it is good. Haha.

So the first who gave the speech, was all you-must-love-the-1-malaysia-campaign. I was like o-kay? Honestly, I didn't like his speech, it was like almost telling us, "come join us, we've done so many things for you". I can't remember exactly what he said, I was falling asleep, but from what I've processed, he basically kiss up to the whole 1 Malaysia thing (and to who came with that idea), saying now the integration bond between all races are better than ever. Is it really?

I don't know. I have multiracial friends, but I have to admit, they are not typical of their kind. They are unique. From what I see, we are still in racist phase.

Example : Kalau bab-bab curi, mesti india. Bab-bab tak nak bagi potong kereta mesti Cina. Bab-bab penunggang motor tak bertauliah mesti Melayu.

This is not my opinion, this is what I see others (mostly) thinks. More or less lah.

Aku sendiri pun tak suka dengan bangsa sendiri. Adakah aku racist, kalau macam tu?

Sebab aku tak pandang semua tu. If you're good, I don't see you as a color, I see you as a person. Orang Melayu, aku pun Melayu, tapi tiba-tiba marah aku tak pasal-pasal sedangkan kau boleh cakap elok-elok. Lagi satu decible nak jerit kat aku. Infront of other people. (ok, teremosi di sini)

1Malaysia, tapi usaha nak rapatkan bond between the races tu, bukan senang kan? Kalau takat bagi propaganda memang lah senang. Do something to stop the racism!

2nd point of the 1st person who gave the speech is about Bersih 2.0. He dared to compare it to the riots in London. I personally, don't think that people of Bersih 2.0 go around, destroy shops, and burn stuff, like what happened in London.

His excuse? "Because we have take precautions from letting that to happen."

Bersih is not a riot, it's a rally/demonstration. Yeah, they can get really annoying and loud with speakerphones and stuff but they don't plan on destroy anything.

If they do, I'd be receiving a mail saying "Jom pergi Bersih 2.0. Bawak gasoline, lighter, KITA BAKO JE!!" Lol.

and I quote, "...when PM visited London there's bunch of people, Malaysian and locals shouted 'shame Najib' and now, shame on them, because they had to spend so much money on weapons to stop the riot, while we spend a little on tear gas..."

For Bersih, ada je penjual complain their sales ruined and rugi, etc. Tapi takdelah terbakar, kan? Okay la kan?

Once again, aku bukan pro mana-mana. This is what I see.

And thus, that concludes, I don't like that person's speech.

Bayangkan dia duduk preach orang macam tu, and the hall majority on indians, some chinese, handful of malays. Their age is around mine. Ni nak brainwash kitorang ke bang?

2nd person, speech dia mantap. He has skills! Although if you hear his name, you'd probably go, "Ah, mamat ni!" dengan tak puas hati. I don't know what he has done, but his speech is really good.

He said youth should really get into matters to make 2020 vision work. You don't have to support the opposition or the government to do that. Yes! He also said, do not believe everything you read, whether it's from the government or the opposition, or even, anything. Agree~ He also mentioned that it's okay for overseas student to do internship overseas instead of in Malaysia but after a few years, come back to Malaysia. He knows we youngsters wanna run from these politics crap. He did mentioned that he's not gonna ask us to love the government because they have helped you so much. Lebih kurang lah. I can't remember what he said more, but more or less, he might just say things we wanna hear. Haha.

Whatever it is, this is how you attract people. Not by worshiping whoever's in charge and trash the opposition. Frankly, most of us didn't care. It's the age where we wanna run from these things.

Tiba-tiba aku terfikir, memang bukan senang nak tadbir sesebuah negeri.

Dengan nak jana ekonomi negara, dengan duit agak overflow untuk orang atasan, dengan hubungan diplomatik.

Bukan senang, bukan aku bermaksud apa. Aku bermaksud, bukan senang nak lari / atasi dugaan tu.

Bayangkan, ekonomi down, and the only way to make fast money is night clubs. Yang lain tu boleh tapi lambat.

Apa kau buat?

Ekonomi down ni. Rakyat dah nak buat demo dah. Keputusan kau?

That's why aku yakin, kalau cara pentadbiran macam khalifah, or even zaman Rasulullah S.A.W, everything would be okay.

Macam-macamkan Allah uji semua orang.

Kita senang nak cakap orang tu tak pandai buat ini dan itu. Kita pandai ke?


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