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In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

abang : aku tak tahu macamana kau boleh layan Melor
me : why?
abang : kitorang had this idea yang kau tak suka...
me : yeah, i don't like kids.
abang : haa. tapi aku tengok kau dengan Melor ok je. macamana kau boleh tolerate budak kecik tu aku pun tak tahu.
me : dia kan kecik lagi
abang : hmm, ok. tapi tak explain macamana kau boleh layan dia.
me : i don't know, dia kecik lagi so tak banyak ragam kot? macam Hadif tu mana ada adik (me) layan sangat.
abang : yeah
haha. dah lah previous post was about marriage, and now, kids?

aiih, takde la drama mana pun. he was right though, i don't like kids. i think i've made it very clear although i have never say it out loud.

i'm the last child, so you get the idea. when i was little, when i saw mama or ayah holding someone else's baby i get jealous. i don't play with little kids, babies, i tend to avoid them. i didn't even care about them because usually there's other people who does. so. yeah.

Melor is my 2nd niece but the first one, Azizah is always away so I don't 'talk' to her that often too. plus, i think she's scared of me. ahaha. Melor is always at home so you can't ignore her, right? LOL.

nah, i think i just need time to really get to know someone, even if it's a baby. so it takes time for me to really go and tolerate with one.

that's how bad i am with kids.

hey but i was and still am excited for baby boy from my sister!


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