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Older than my age.

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

I get this all the time.

Everyone does not think that I'm 20. By right, I do not even turn 20 yet.

Kak Husna has told me that I'm matured for my age and I do look matured, thus I do not look 20.

Okay, I'm taking that as a compliment.

"Where do you stay?"
"Block 2D"
"Oh, with your husband?"
"No, I live with my parents."
*wide eyes, shocked.*

Yeah, what a 25-year-old do living with her parents? No, lady, I'm not married, and I'm 20. Ehem.

"Who do you have usrah with?"
"Kak Husna."
"Kak Husna???"
"Yeah, she was born in '88."
"And you?"
"Erm, 91?"
"No wonder! You look matured!"

Kak Farihin, wondering why did I call kak Husna, 'kak'. Hahah

and the day when I wore my contact lenses; a lady said :
"Do you go to school here?"
"Err, nope. :)"

Oh, do I look younger without my spectacles? Hahahah

Anyway, I believe that my mature look is a factor why I don't get duit raya anymore.

Not that I'm complaining, rezeki itu ditanganNya.

Mama said it's the height factor that makes people think I am older than my age.

A man who is selling whatever he is selling, clearly older than me :
"Kak, nak beli ____ tak? Kak mari sini kak..."

Honestly, I rather him calls me kakak than calls me 'adik'. Geli kot kalau lelaki tak berkenaan panggil adik.

"Adik tinggi!"

Lol, kak Shitekk. She's so cute, and she does look younger than me.

"Berapa lama lagi kat sana?"
"Lama lagi aih, 5 tahun.."
"Uih lamanya!"

"Sya year berapa?"
"1st year..."
"Laa, ingatkan Sya dah 4th year!"

Yeah, yeah.

*looks at Kak Farhana who told that she has graduated recently; pointed to me*
"Ni pun dah grad jugak eh?"

Hoho, how I wish.

Medical term pun aku tak tahu.

Family dah ingat aku doctor tak boleh pakai.

Alasan aku : baru nak masuk 2nd year!


Oh well.

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