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In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

I can't get the lines from the novel out of my head. Why do this novel gets to me so much? Not exact lines lah but the meaning and all.

"Who am I to you?"
"Who says there's nothing more complicated than E=mc²? It's called emotions."

Amie asked me to read all hlovate's novel. Best ke Amie? Gayanya macam best, tapi saya malas ohh bab-bab membaca ni. Serious...

I blame this novel for the tinnie tiny lovey dovey I'm feeling now. MUSHY. ew. =.=" Haha. Pernah I posted about what I wanted of love. *mencari entry lama* here it is! aku ada baca entri-entri Fynn Jamal dan buat statement berani macam tu. Little did I know she read that post. *maluuuu* I don't know why but when you're married, and you bercinta macam unmarried couple zaman sekarang = SWEET. :) Macam Fynn, macam Addin dalam novel. Aaaa. Comel gila ! Saya mahu macam tu? Kidding! Ha ha ha ha ha. Stop berangan lah. HEHEHE.

Semalam tengok Inception with gang wednesday. We broke the rules. We went out on Monday! Hahaha. Went to Pyramid, upon my request, semata-mata nak check out Converse Pyramid. Hehe. They had lunch kat Shihlin, we catch up on things. Inception, gempak la. I really like the movie. I'm starting to like C.Nolan's movies. :D The actors ramai famous juga. Ada J. Gordon-Levitt, tu penting. And C. Murphy. My favourite villain. Tapi dalam movie ni dia adalah mangsa. Haha. And Ellen Page! My Junebug :D And ada cameo by my favourite British actress, Talulah Riley. Ohsem line up. Not gonna write spoilers for the movie. Don't worry. :)

C. Murphy's eyes. Blue eyes. Why and why do I like blue eyed guys? Macam S. Knight. Gojes ais. :D Ok, did some digging on C. Murphy, aparrently he does not like the fame and all. He never reveal his private life with the press and never have interviews unless it's about his movie. Family man lah ni. Haha. He's part Irish. Lagi aaa suka. IRISH!

Athirah said J. Gordon-Levitt looked more manly in this movie. Yeap, he looked good. Smart.

After movies, went to Carl's Junior upon my request juga. HEHE, thank you kawans. ;) Chilli cheese fries + Chilli jumbo dog + Iced lemon tea = kenyang gila. Alhamdulillah~

Oh yea, TGV Pyramid macam apa je. Student price also RM9. Kepala paip betul. Mahal gila. Sunday GSC pun RM9. Apahal mahal sangat ni aku pun tak paham.

Saya dah takde duit. Sedih. Nak pegi MidValley! Nak check out Converse sana pulak. Siapa nak teman ni? Semua ada class, gang wednesday je lah free. Mari mari? :P Thursday ni iA ada rehlah. Macam excited tapi segan sikit. Hehehe.

Ada orang tu "marah" sebab schedule aku agak compact. Especially in August. Hey, apa kes? Ada plan masa cuti pun bising. :p


NA. said...

haha. kalo hlovate worth it kot. can't put the book down once you've started ;)

Nuyue said...

try baca hlovate - versus.
lagi best.