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dunia, oh dunia.

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

hari ni aku settlekan exam bio. pass ke tidak, esok baru dapat result. lepas exam kami berempat (with ira, sasa & niza) mengejarkan signature utk approval balik nanti. sambil2 tu makan lunch kat italianski. pergh, sodap bro! sushi roll dia menghampakan. tapi pasta sotong dia. YUM ! :D sana agak pricey that's why we saved the last day of exam to go there. and then balik to uni.

kat uni, we were supposed to get few signatures lah as approval balik kan. one of them is our dean of faculty. hari tu mintak kat dia, dia kata lepas buat exam semua baru dia nak sign. so hari ni paper last lah kan, utk our faculty, punyalah gempak, sebab time kitorang mencari dia untuk dptkan sign, dia takde. yang ada secretary dia.

*translated convo from russian*
us : can we get the dean's signature?
secretary : dean is on holiday.
us : oh, when will he be back?
secretary : september.


patut vice dean lah kan sign bagi pihak. pegi kat vice dean dia kata secretary pulak yang sign. secretary dia ni pulak cakap tak tau tak tau, tanya muhammad. (muhammad mcm PR for foreigners la)

at last we asked our russian teacher to settlekan. jadi. ok lah. esok pegi collect paper tu.

actually bila collect signature ni kan, terigt time dulu kat sekolah, during my prefect probation. kena ambik signature semua. tapi tu bongek, sbb senior ask the ridiculous things for us to do! tanya la soalan yang bernas ke. ni suruh kejar sini sana, membuli ! saya dengan rileknya tak participate, i don't like the concept of it. kalau kau tanya aku soalan like "berapa umur pn lee" aku ok lagi. kalau kau suruh aku nyanyi sekuat hati lagu pengawas, kirim salam bro. *rebelious* ;) anyhow i think i managed to get 1 signature. tu pun from seng guan, the assistant head prefect, gave me, for the sake of mercy. gaha, i didn't even ask for it. sebab probates lain semua macam competitive, nak completekan semua list, or siapa complete terbanyak. i was actually touched that seng guan gave me his signature, cos with other people he gave a hard time to collect the signature.

another one was during form 6 orientation. collect signature form 6 teachers and ajk of form 6 council. i only take signatures from those yang don't ask us to do ridiculous thing. well actually from the start me, dana and chai theng tak nak buat. they said those who get the least signatures will be punish. so we did it anyway. BUT, we were still among those who got the least signatures. HAHA. then we had to choose a partner, to DANCE with infront of everyone to britney's CIRCUS. HOMAIGAD. i did it. and luckily there was sai. i didn't know who else to pick, dah la tak kenal semua org, hahaha. it was. omg. cukup2 la cerita psl tu. xD

enough with going down memory lane. back to reality.

balik hostel, found out tandas tersumbat, AGAIN. shiet, people don't you read? it clearly states : DO NOT THROW RUBBISH (TISSUES,CIGARETTES,PAD) INTO THE TOILET BOWL. and it was in russian & english. how hard is it for you to understand? pacimu vi ne panimaite? ya ujhe napisala pa ruski! shto eta takoi? glupiye ruskie ludi !

report kat mama vera. then try to tido, tenangkan hati yang cepat sangat marah & geram tak tentu pasal. haih.

bangun, lepak jap with wingmates. teman dorang makan. still kenyang form italianski, tapi kesian fon already cook for us. huhu. watched alice in wonderland halfway then tiba2 teringat ada remember me. so layan remember me. mula2 ingat nak solat dulu tapi mcm ala tgk la movie dulu, maghrib lambat masuk anyways.

tgk movie then tertido. cerita dia oke la, rob looks better there, when he doesn't try so hard to be a vampire. then the girl, her eyes, i love. aha. sedar time ira dtg bilik. talked to her, hu ha hu ha kejap. :)

time tu dah maghrib pun. tgk la tu. LALAI. serious bengong aku time tu. eventho part of me says "go go go go solat !" the dominant part says "kejap la kejap la" ... :(

basuh baju, socks. then time nak mandi, sedang shampoo dgn best, air sejuk takde. AIR SEJUK TAKDE. whtha. tgh shampoo !!! satu building takde air sejuk, penat check dgn member2. pergh ! tu la. balasan. lengahkan lagi solat. baru kau tau. padan mukeeeeeee.

at the end bilas dgn air minum roommateku. thanks fon. huhu. then terus rasa macam dunia ni macam tahi, melalaikan tak sudah sampai tahap lupa kat Tuhan.

betapa rasa bersalahnya aku. takut kalau2... :(

moral of story, jangan lengahkan benda baik. lapang sebelum sempit, kawan2. we don't know what's infront of us. what will we do tmrw. we can only plan but God is the one who sets everything.

this applies to another thing, the one moral i picked up from movie "remember me". *SPOILER ALERT* ellie, the girl, always eat dessert first. when asked why, she said that what if something happen right that moment and she couldn't have the thing that she most desired for? and the ending, where, tyler, the dude, was in the world trade centre building, and it was september 11, 2001. he didn't knew what was coming.

dont get me wrong, i'm not asking you to ENJOY sampai mati sbb nanti bila mati tak dapat enjoy. i'm saying that, we don't know when we're gonna die. sure, we take care our heart, we exercise regularly, eat balanced diet but that doesn't gurantee anybody's life. seriously. we can die on the spot if God wants us to. so stop, don't procrastinate good or even great things. we wouldn't know when our time is up, people. don't waste your time to do insignificant things. proceed to greater things.

& as usual, this is a reminder for myself and others out there. muhasabah diri masing2. :]

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