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In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

semalam aku beli novel aA+bB, aku tak tergerak hati nak cari pun semalam tapi bila nampak kedai buku popular, terus zupppppppp, cari, nampak, ambik. hehe. cari tafsir Al- Quran tapi tafsir dia lain, buat pening bila baca. nanti cari kat mph je lah.

balik je semalam kemas sikit dengan mama. lepas tu ingat nak tidur, tapi bila dah online.. haih. lalai betul. tiba-tiba tengok jam dah pukul 3am, tu sedar sebab aisha cakap dia nak tidur dah. adoi, aku nak buat apa? takkan nak tidur, alamat lepas lah subuh nanti. suddenly i remembered about the novel. okay, let's read!

baca dan baca, i couldn't put the book down, sampai lah pukul 6.30am. huish. aku bukan jenis yang membaca, and i don't really read malay novel. tapi bila kat kursk dulu si eli, aisha, ima recommend kan baca tunas, a novel by hlovate ni, i'm hooked. and aA+bB is the continuation lah kira, eventhough aA+bB was published first. i seriously don't like to read. tapi these 2 novels, i really like. not to say i love cintan cintun novel. last month i read pilot cafe novel i borrowed from nadia pun baca tak baca je. skip banyak sebab bosan. and it's a love story lah jugak. plus, i finish the book within a day je sebab banyak skip. wahaha.

aA+bB really is interesting. nak kata jiwang, tak jugak. main characters are trashers, tak main ayat cinta-cinta ni. girl named addin shah and boy named benz alif. addin sempoi, benz cool. tapi towards the end of the book diorang agak mushy lah but not so, so i can still tolerate.

cerita macam ni lah buat aku wonder maybe, there is someone out there for ourself. like really meant for us? i've heard that, girls are made from one of the guys rib cage. so each girl is meant for specific guy. (this is the saying because Hawa was made from Adam's ribcage) erk, entahlah.

this novel macam bittersweet love story. benz sweet lah. aku jatuh hati. hahah. dana cakap ni macam edward cullen aku lah konon. i said, benz is more realistic cos he's not 107 years old vampire. :P

itulah dia my point of view bila baca this novel. tapi bila snap back to reality, couples sekarang macam apa je. okay, not all of them, most of them anyway. haha. aku bukannya jealous dan aku obviously "tak rasa apa yang diorang rasa" which is "rasa berchenta" ni. aku rasa tak payah nak tunjuk kau berchenta tahap gaban lepas tu break. sebab aku tak rasa diorang rasa apa yang patut diorang rasa. mostly infatuation, please don't call it love. you have ruined the reputation of love by saying that you're in love but clearly you are not. (at least to me you are not, you yourself, apa you tau. hahaha)

strong like and love tak sama. sayang = love or cinta = love? sayang and cinta lain kay.

apa2 lah. aku rant pasal chenta ni takkan habis punya. aku dah pernah post pasal cinta ni kat blog lama pun. haha.

chenta je lah pada yang satu, pada yang Esa, padaNya kerana hanya Dia takkan kecewakan kita.


NA. said...

like this
baca semua novel hlovate tau!

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Syahaneez A.J said...

anonymous, sure, just leave your link. :)