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Declassified : Hijab II

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

FHS : frequently heard statements.

"i tak ready nak pakai lagi.."
It's okay. Take your time, but make sure you have the intention that eventually will make the move. At least have a timeframe or something. At least lah.

"I tak nak pakai kalau i tak ikhlas. Rasa hipokrit"
The truth is, we never know when we are truly sincere doing something. I'm talking about the sincerest sincere. Have you ever felt in your life the real sincerity? It's difficult to know. Bet the angels wouldn't know as well. This is strictly between us and God.

Nevertheless, you won't get sincerity by just waiting and without putting any effort. Sincerity is something we gained along the way. Nobody starts anything with 100% sincerity. It starts with difficulty and hard work - then sincerity will string along the way.

Hypocrite - is it really? If you tried and you know you're putting real efforts to be sincere; it's not hypocritical at all. Allah knows. If the people are saying bad things, let them be. They're not the ones that will grant you paradise in the end.

"Those people with hijab and bad attitudes makes me don't wanna wear it. Menyampah with them, wears hijab but attitude like what only."


"Those hijabis are not saints. We non hijabis are having a better attitude than them"

Stop looking at other people and start looking at yourself. Why don't you change the stigma? Lets have a good attitude with the hijab on. Plus, everyone has different ways of doing things. Some start with wearing hijab, some start with their akhlaq / attitude. Either way it's not wrong. At least you're going somewhere.

"I wanna wear but I'm scared I'll take it off"
It's okay. Just wear it. Remember the steps I shared before? Yes. Do all that. Don't count the chicken before the eggs hatch. Stop worrying things that are not going to happen yet.

The thing with good deeds / ibadah; don't think too much of it. Do as what NIKE says. Just do it. If you think too much, you might ended up doing nothing. Nada. It will be a great loss!


Find your inspiration to start. Find your ways to istiqamah. Have a strong heart! May Allah eases your affairs. ♥️

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a quotes from hlovate(contengan jalanan author's) that I love. She quotes that "ikhlas tu bukan kita yang ukur, itu biar Allah yang tentukan.jangan sampai kita tinggalkan amal ibadat sebab tak nak riak dengan manusia, tapi tu lah tanda kita riak dengan Allah sebenarnya." Btw love your writing.xoxo