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Declassified : Hijab I

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

Recently I got a message from an old friend - whom I haven't met and chatted for ages.
"Sya, nak tanya, macamana you boleh pakai tudung and istiqamah?"

This isn't the first time I've been asked this question, but I seemed to not know what to say exactly and even if I do, how do I address this issue in the most delicate manner?

Hijab is a pretty sensitive issue. I'm sure you are aware of that, Malaysians. Sometimes people criticise a little too much on things they're not supposed to.

Well, here goes nothing;

I'm not gonna tell you that it is a command from Allah to cover your aurat. It's a well-known fact. I'm sure you could as a 12 year old kid, and she'd answer that in a heartbeat. But did you realised it was mentioned in the Quran? In Surah an-Nur, the 24th chapter, verse 31

And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.
This is a fact we can't deny. We are told to guard ourselves and not to expose our aurat except as mentioned above.

If you ask most of the girls that are wearing hijab, "why do you put on hijab?" I bet most would it's a command from Allah.

but do we really?

Some might wear
- for the sake of parents (err, yeah, cos they would beat me to death if I don't wear hijab!)
- due to peer pressure (my friends are all with hijab. I don't wanna be left out)
- because of fashion (didn't you see that dUCk scarf? it's soooo cool! vivy is my mojo)
- because they're just lazy (I don't have to fix my hair everyday! yeay!)
- so that they can listen to music without the lecturer's noticing (la la laaa)

and the list goes on and on.

Don't you deny, these are the real deal. It is happening. Especially point 4 and 5 because I am once that kid. Haha!

Why do I bring up this matter? Because it affects your istiqamahness in a way. but yeah, taking the first step is a big thing. To be istiqamah is another huge thing. So, how to achieve istiqamah? Here are some tips for you :)

  1. Put your intention into place.
    Yes this is crucial girls. It's no use when you have no nawaitu on things you do. The things we do are based on our intentions. If we intend for the world, that's all we got. If we put our intention for the greater cause (ie : akhirah) then we'll get both. This is a must, do not skip this step! It helps when you a lot. Well, it helped me a lot. I myself took 6-7 months to tanam my nawaitu you know. It ain't easy, I got you.

  2. Keep track of your solat.
    Take care of your solat. If you don't know, learn. If you can't read, listen to the audio and practise. It's okay, baby steps will do till you can pray properly. If you know, do it. 5 times a day. Learn the meaning of your prayers in solat. Try to pray as khusyu' you can. This is a time where you are connected well with your Creator.

  3. Surround yourself with positive people.
    It doesn't have to be hijabed girls. Any positive friends will do. As long they respect and are supportive with your decision, it's good enough. The best companion are those who reminds you of God tau! Doesn't have to be some religious group to remind you of God but if you have them, then it's good. In my case, I have very supportive non-muslim friends who reminds me of God, and till this day I love them dearly. (shout out! you know who you are xx)

    p/s :  this is crucial too cos who knows the days when you feel down, you might need them to boost you up! we don't need negativity and people who loves to bring us down.

  4. Take a good role model to inspire you.
    A lot of celebrities have been having the similar issues but they pulled it through in front of the media eyes. To name a few, Farah Fauzana, Fynn Jamal, Mizz Nina, Wardina, Irma Hasmie and more. If they can do it, so can you :)

  5. Make doa.
    Last but not least, pray to Allah for your istiqamahness and your firmness to this deen. Allah never missed to listen to our prayers. Remember that. Every time. Let your prayer be specific -- "Oh Allah, please don't let me get lost in this world, please let be be istiqamah in this deen, please let me have a heart to pray, please let my laziness to pray be gone, please accept my humble deeds..."

Personally to me, most essential is you do things because you wanna do it and you know it's right. Stop looking at other people and try to be them. Do it because you want to, and because it is the right thing to do. How can it not be right when our Creator Himself has been telling us to do it?

If you don't have the heart to do it, then find it. Find a reason to do it. If it really was for your parents/friends/fashion/etc - so be it. At least have it a go. Keep on finding a heart to do it sincerely for Him and for yourself. That's the key.

Remember, for every good intention there will be a plus point (of pahala) and whenever you do them it's a plus 2 points. Isn't it awesome?

Yeah, God is the Greatest.

PS : I've written about Aurat before this. To be exact, 6 years ago.

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