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fake it till make it.

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

simple nice quote from an akhwat.

question : adakah kita perlu fake kan friendship kita till we make it?

jangan pernah berani katakan kamu sayangkan aku jika kamu tak pernah ingin menyelamatkan aku dari api neraka.

stop please this nonsense.

apa hari ni kau akan bagi aku khutbah tapi esok kau biarkan aku jatuh dalam lubang dosa?

jap, aku kurang mengerti.
adakah aku expect too much from them? sebab mereka pun manusia.


people with faith is harder to trust. because we expect them to understand the deen, understand tarbiyah, understand US at least, while they themselves are just humanely human just like us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salam, awak ade email tak? Ingat nak tanya something pasal study kat rusia.
