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berani kerana benar.

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

"Biasakan dengan yang benar, bukan benarkan yang biasa."

Kalau ada yang nak kata aku 'macam ni' dan 'macam tu', sedangkan aku yakin aku berada di jalan yang benar, aku takkan goyah. insyaAllah.


In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

"Anything that doesn't related to Elephant is called 'Irrelephant'."


Now, let's talk about something irrelephant today.

I realised that this summer I've been trying to spend time with my family. Which is going great. I had one on one session with ma and ayah seperately. My 2 nieces are growing up and I'll be a getting a nephew soon. I feel so blessed, really. :)

It's just that, I only decided to see my friends a week after I came back. I met Dana. Okay, more like Dana came to see me, haha. We had late dinner. Few days after that I went to see the rest of the gang. Teri, Sasa, Man Kit, Chai Theng. and incidently, Ken. Casey's not back yet, so, yeah. They didn't know about my return, which makes sense because I don't tell anyone I'm coming home -- except to those who asked. Anyhow, Chai Theng asked me when I was back and I told her it was a week ago and she was like, "And now only we get to see you?!" Hahaha. :P

I mean, I don't know. I like and love my family time, even though it doesn't feel much like it.

I didn't even contact my friends much since I got back. I mean, I smsed who? Mainly my family, and my Kursk friends. Hahaha!

Point is, I don't feel like calling anyone. I'm having changes in my life, and you know, trying to restrict my life to things that matters and that are right to me. I don't wanna put my life to waste with something insignificant. It's just that, I need to do some adjusting with my life.

Sadly, my high school friends are mostly boys. I've mentioned being friends with boys makes life easier, less emotional stuff I'll go through. But the thing is now, I gotta stop being out with boys, because you know, it's not right. Being all non-muhrim and all. Like I said, I'm gonna make some changes. I know if I was my old-self I'll be out with the boys lepaking here and there.

Plus, I've lost 'connection' with most of my friends here because of the distance we had when I was in Russia. It's really nice to have someone to relate to even when you're away and when you came back they'll be around and most importantly when they really care. I know who are these people in my life and I'm keeping in touch with them. I mean, let's face it, not every one will bother your return and it's just another year and they go, "Oh, yeah, she's back. Let's hang out and catch up like I care what you do." No, I don't dig that.

I don't need people who don't give a damn about me. I'll just concentrate to the people who actually cares, thank you.

Irrelephant. That's genius. Who came up with that?!

#nowplaying Outlandish - Triumf


First of all, I'd like to explain the difference of wearing hijab and covering your aurat (for the girls).

I'd like to ask you, do you remember what we've learnt in school?

What is the aurat for a woman with her ajnabi or with her non-mahram?

Wait, what is ajnabi and mahram? :\

Mahram is for woman is basically her dad, mom, siblings, kids, husband. You know, when she touches them her wuduk is still 'valid'.

Non-mahram is every other people besides the mahram.

Non-mahram is called ajnabi. It's the same thing. :)

So, yeah. What is the aurat for a woman with her ajnabi or her non-mahram?

Every parts of her body except for face and 2 hands -- that is from her wrist to her fingers.

So, wearing only hijab without covering all other aurat, does not means you have covered your aurat. I know there's a lot of cases where the hijab girls wear sandals and their feet got exposed. So, you know what that is. They did wear hijab but they didn't cover all their aurat yet.

There was a point where I thought covering aurat is just covering your hair. This is WRONG.

A woman's aurat is everything except her face and her 2 hands.

Let me ask you, why did we wear telekung to pray? Because it covers everything, except our face. Our hands doesn't need to cover but if it does, why not? So, when you pray and your hand is exposed, it is alright, as long it doesn't expose more than the wrist part.

Yes, there was a point where I thought we need to cover our ALL our hands during prayers. No, we don't. If the wrist part till the fingers got exposed, it's okay. Why? Because when we pray we need to cover our aurat, and woman's aurat is every parts of her body except for face and 2 hands.

Please remember that Allah ask us to cover our aurat, not just to wear hijab.

A friend asked me, why did woman wears hijab?

Well, they might wear for many reasons. Parents, friends, university rules, just because, etc.

I can't tell you exactly why they do that, you gotta ask that person personally.

Maybe I can tell you why woman needs to cover themselves.

Covering aurat is defined like covering your shame. Why bother to wear clothes at all? You wanna cover yourself so you won't feel ashamed right? It's the same thing.

It is also for your own protection. I'm pretty sure a man can get turn on easily with woman who doesn't cover her aurat, right? Plus, man has very interesting imagination. Even with a slight glance on a woman's aurat he can fantasize about things -- which is a sin. So, by covering your aurat you can prevent other people from sinning. It also can prevents from fitnah to happen.

Above all, Allah ask us to cover ourselves, it's part of Islam and He'll loves us if we do so. Isn't that enough? :)
"You're wrong, hijab women are more prone to danger. All the victims of acid man are hijab women."
Don't tell me we gotta stop wearing hijab to be safe. Who tells you that? If the world's gonna end in 2012, it will if Allah wants to.

Every thing happens for a reason. You wouldn't know, maybe one of the acid man victim is mean to her mother. I'm just saying. I don't know. Allah is all-Knowing.
"Not every hijab woman are holy! Look at me, I'm free haired and I pray everyday."
So it might be true. At least she tried to be one, by wearing hijab. That's a start. And you, you started with praying. That's good.
"It's too hot here. Are you crazy?! How am I suppose to cover myself?"
Like a vlogger said, even if you wear skimpy clothes and short pants, you'd still feel the warmth and hot air. What is the difference then? Just remember that, no matter how hot the weather is, think about how hot Hell is.
"I can't do it, I haven't gotten any 'hidayah' yet."
Hidayah is everywhere. Allah is all-Giving, He puts hidayah everywhere. You gotta search for it. I mean, when you're thirsty you don't wait for the water to come to you right? You gotta look for water. If you truly seek for hidayah, insyaAllah you'll found it.

You don't have to be an ustazah to wear a long hijab. It's cliche to think that only ustazah do so. There's a case where an English teacher is mistaken as ustazah by a primary school children, just because she wore a long hijab.

Who says only ustazahs are going to heaven? All of us are entitled to heaven, insyaAllah as long we do the things that are Allah loves.

InsyaAllah, if we seek for His love, He'll loves us too.



Aku tak tau macamana nak luahkan perasaan ni.

ceyy ayat, bajet habis.

tapi seriously, this is madness. i need to get this out my chest.

I seriously hate the tv shows in Malaysia. Especially those on Astro Channels.

THERE. I've said it.


Because it is full of sampah sarap yang busuk menusuk hidung.

First of all, KILAUAN EMAS. whadhupp with that? Ala-ala AF tapi untuk orang tua-tua? (mengikut pemahaman sendiri about the show) sebab aku tak nak tengok show tu, geli, malu dan bermacam-macam perasaan ada.

Ingatkan bila dah makin berumur, makin ada usaha nak dekat denganNya. I'm not saying that we as teenagers need to wait till we're like 50 to actually seek for God but, USUALLY, when we're aging we tend to look for Him because we're tired of the world. Ini tak, macam dah world end aku rasa. Seram ok. It's like they're trying to make their old dreams come true. Yea lah, AF tu untuk budak2 muda.


Whatever shows berkaitan with dancing. Dari dulu yang sehati berdansa tu aku dah rasa tak sedap dah. Mari Menari ke. Showdown ke. Whadhupp la? SEMUANYA nak tiru orang barat. Silap-silap hari bulan kau tiru show "16 & Pregnant" tu. Naa kan, macam tak tau kat Malaysia ni banyak kes buang bayi. Jangan nanti ada yang tampil ke hadapan dan bagi solution ni :
Bagi mengelakkan kes pembuangan bayi makin berleluasa, kita buat realiti tv yang bertajuk '16 dan mengandung' supaya mereka ni ada sense utk tanggungjawab kat baby tu


Betul kata-kata seseorang tu (aku tak ingat siapa) yang kata kita sebenarnya tak merdeka pun. Sebab fikiran dan mentality kita serupa dengan orang barat.

Arak? cool.

Pre-marital sex? cool.

Sexy? cool.

Drugs? cool.

Clubbing? cool.

Who says these things are super cool? It's all up to you man. If you think these things are cool, then 'cool' it will be. Kalau kau bukak minda sikit, kau akan fikir, apa kejadahnya benda ni buat kat body aku? Arak and drugs rosakkan minda and judgment, pre-marital sex & being sexy buat aku macam murahan, clubbing yang kononnya nak release tension tu seronok sementara je.

If you are doing these things to get away your problem, let me tell you a fact, you can never run away from your problem. Makin lari darinya, makin dikejar. Problems won't go away if you don't sit down and settle them. Kalau judgement samar-samar camana nak settle betul2?

ok, aku dah detour habis jauh dah.

back to tv shows.

tv shows plays important role in one's life sbb semua benda kat tv 'cool'. tengok laki caring sikit dgn awek, terus si perempuan nak laki camtu. boo. (contoh je lah) then, tv kalau dah tunjuk benda2 sampah, menjadi sampah la masyarakat tu KALAU dia tidak berpikir.


judgement kita lemah, tak boleh nak beza mana satu ok dan tak ok. even kita tau, kita tak follow, sbb kita lemah.

aku kalau ada anak aku tak nak anak aku tengok tv. huhu. nanti rosak. anak-anak kecik asyik ikut tagline celebrity AF. wow so cool. so comel. SO ROSAK.

ape anak kau dpt if dia ikut2 AF, nak jadi celebrity, jadi artis.

ada satu show kat mtv tu dia train anak dia dari kecik utk jadi celebrity. ohmy. americans. desperate nak anak dia famous. pastu dia famous then what? oh im sorry, we are talking about getting gazzilions of money cos of being famous.

yeah 'who says money cant buy happiness?'

sure. it can, but bukan eternal happiness. keseronokan yang sekejap, pastu duit habis, happiness pun habis. kalau we find a deeper meaning about life, that's like the ultimate happiness.

ok. detour teruk dah.

done for the day.


In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

All I can say after reading my old entries, I had seriously anger management problems and I was one of heck emo kid. Seriously emo. Like, I-hate-my-life, I-hate-my-parents, blablabla. Aku pun tak tau apa jadi. Padahal entry paling lama pun 2008. 3 tahun tu. So many changes in 3 years.

and all those high school drama. makes me feel like uni life is rather boring, hahaha.

Alhamdulillah I have become a more decent person. I now proudly state, I LOVE my parents. and life is great. :)

and I'd like to share a link on a blogger, quite famous lah. He has good point this time. Hear him out.

I'm still laughing at myself. My old self, writing those meaningless entries. Adoii, nasib aku jadi insan baguih sikit. Kalau aku terpele'ot dan sungkur? Ya Allah, syukur, aku masih di sini.

top of the world

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

Alhamdulillah, dapat jejak lagi di tanah airku.

I've been sitting around my home, doing nothing significant. I did write down my to do list. Most of them requires me to go out of the house and frankly, I don't feel like it. I like my home. It's too comfortable to go out. Despite the hot weather, (mind you, the sun directly shines through our huge window panes) I still love it. Plus, watching Ma and Ayah entertained by baby Melor. It's a bless. *tearing* They are so GOOD with kids! I mean, just look at them handling baby Melor and other kids of our relatives. It seems like they've done it so many times. Come to think of it, they had us 3 as their kids. So. Yeah. Baby Melor is 5kg now. That's pretty heavy for a 3 months old. Her cheeks are like pao. I'm gonna eat it soon. :)

I feel so glad that my parents are not 'bored' anymore since now Melor is around. I was so worried with them being alone, bored. Looking at each other and wander around the house. Lol. It's good that Melor's here. Abang and Kak Wani will come here more often. It's like we're holding their baby for hostage. *evil laugh* Nah, just kidding.

Back to the real world, it's eerie out there. I don't feel like going out at all. I don't know where to go. Bosan kot pi shopping mall. Pi makan = buang duit. Tengok wayang = buang duit. Pi main games = buang duit. Bowling = definitely no no. Absolutely buang duit. Nak buat apa lah pi mall? Bosan I tell you. Looking at Teri's album on Bukit Gasing, macam menarik. Dapat tengok alam. Hoih, I wanna go see the beach, the trees, the wonderful seas! Haa ni kurang buat duit. Hihi. Tapi buang duit minyak lah. Haha.

I think I'm gonna go stay with grandma soon. I think she'll love that.

Oh I feel like baking! But we have no oven! I feel like cooking to but I can't cook at home, well, actually I can but I don't like to cook for other people when I know they can cook better. Hehehe. Tadi masak nasi lemak jap sebab craving and didn't get the chance to eat since I came back. I said I wanted to cook only for me. Then Mama mcm, hinting. I'm like, yeah sure I can cook some extra but if it's not edible than it's not my problem. Hahah. Well. Aku bantai ja la. I'm the type that when I cook, I can eat my cooking. Really. I'm not picky. :D

Can't wait for CAMP! and I feel like going pre-departure. And Kak Wan's wedding. and Ramadhan! Indahnya nikmat. :)

Bee-tee-dubs, I did the I'm-so-emo-I-want-to-cut-my-own-hair.

The regrets are kicking in right about... NOW.


In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

it's done.
what's done is done.
I'm pretty much prepared for what I'll get tomorrow but I know I screwed up. I didn't study well.

no one to blame but myself.

why can't I learn my lesson? this is not the first time i've been through this.



tau dah nak exam tapi tak study betul2. memang carik pasal la. pastu nak emo, salahkan diri.

sesal kemudian memang langsung tak guna.