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you gave "love" a bad name.

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

have you ever heard of that song?
you gave love a bad name? google it. no need. it means what it means. you gave LOVE a bad name!

i'm not gonna talk about love.

i'm not gonna talk about bon jovi. (yeap, it's a song from bon jovi)

i'm talking about people who gave islam a bad name.

last night i had dinner with my parents, my uncle and his chinese friend. his friend, who is totally not speaking malay or english, communicated with us in mandarin & body/sign language. amazingly, we somehow managed to understand each other. and at one point, we were talking about me studying in russia. and he went russia = vodka. i was like, yeah, it's their thing. my mom told him we muslims can't drink liquors and such. (he drinks) and he was like, no no no. the muslims in moscow drinks. and i think my face went =.=" eventhough deep inside, i knew what he was talking about.

i wanted to say, those who constantly remembers god wouldn't do such things. but since language is a barrier there and i didn't really wanna start a debate, i kept quiet.

another thing that's been bothering me is mainly the people here. i think ive had this problem before this. i'm not a people person. so. here we go.

i think i am being judgemental and all. but girls, you give islam a bad name.

oklah. you wear tudung. nak berfesyen. idk whats the name of it, but you ikat rambut mcm bun pastu ikat tinggi2, then pin the tudung so it will look fittingly 'awesome'. i'd say fine, you dont know about the hadith. i also found out few months back la. ok, dimaafkan mungkin.

another, wear tudung scarf. scarf selalunya pendek. so it just wrapped up your head nicely. ok. jarang lagi tu. mhm. then the baju you wear, besar betul neckline dia.. jadi? bertudung scarf, tapi baju punyalah hot. nampak collarbone cik adik. ini ke definition bertudung tapi seksi? mungkin dia tak tau jugak. (cant blame her, aite?)

idk lah dia betul2 tak tahu atau buat2 tak tau. parah. sebab. ok la im not perfect myself tapi im sad because other non-muslims that really don't know anything about islam will look at these people and think , "oh, islam like this la eh?" not everyone has the initiative to ask about these things. and sadly, if these people were asked about certain things about islam, i don't think they can really answer well to the non-muslims.

plus, the non-muslims would like to believe what they see, rather than to ask and find out.

"my friend, X is a muslim! but we go and have a drink (beer) every weekend".
their conclusion : muslims can drink. why dont YOU drink?
why cant their conclusion be : X is not a muslim ?

islam = terrorist.
why terrorist? bcos certain people jihad and initiate a war.
don't you wonder WHY they initiate the war in the first place?
or don't you wonder WHO are these people, really? are they really a muslim by heart, or just a title they carry and misused islam to endanger the other people?
and some still believe that all muslims will go to heaven and the rest will go to hell.


i shall not get carry away with my writing this time.

last note :

"how come you dont do this but the other muslim does it?"
"supposedly, we are told not to this."
"yeah, its like, your religion told you not to do that, but why do you do it?"
"bcos i don't really follow my religion."
