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In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

"a friend in need is a friend indeed."

hari ni depan mata nampak perkara ni betul2 berlaku.
si kawan mintak kawannya tolong angkat2 barang, nak berpindah. tiba2 semua tak nak pergi. sedangkan tu kawan makan sama2, gelak hu-ha sama2. oh sandinya. apa guna kalau kenal sejak form 1 tapi still ada barrier itu? kan chance untuk dapat pahala kalau kita tolong orang? dan quote kawanku sorang, "kalau kita tolong orang, Allah tolong kita." kan? bukannya hang sibuk sangat pun. setakat nak pergi shopping je. bukannya ada exam ataupun sakit belakang ke apa tak boleh nak angkat barang kan? kalau ramai2 tolong kan elok. senang kerja. hmmm.

mungkin, dan mungkin juga i expected too much from them? sebab masing2 dah besar. cuma kesian sangat la kawanku yang berpindah tu. huuhu.

and true enough, it's hard to find a good friend. that sticks you through thick and thin, be with you with every tears of joy and tears of pain.

sangat rugi kalau kita berkawan 'saja2' je. like, simply, im friends with you because you're rich/nice/pretty or whatsoever reason that is not even concrete at all. isn't it so nice if we're friends because of Him? and with that, we are able to teach ourselves to be patient with our friends, because of Him. kawan hang suka cakap banyak, layan je la kan? mungkin itu peluang pahala kita?

sedih. sangat sedih dengan fakta hidup (facts of life) sekarang.

oh ada pernah terbaca, a friend is not a friend unless tested in 3 ways, -- in time of need, behind your back, after your death. (quoted by saidina Ali a.s)


after all, we are all human.

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

maybe I expected so much from you.
after all, we were in this together. are we still in this together? I'm not so sure now.
to know that I know you inside out, I feel it's unfair. I feel that you're such a hypocrite.
when all along you told me I'm the hypocrite one; even when I already told you it's not good to call someone that.
it's great you wanna help out others, but it just kills me when I know who you really are. and I can't accept the fact that it was you who actually said that. like, seriously? don't tell me you're sincere in this. cos I see actions and not listening to your words.
words are useless without actions.
I've lost my trust for you.
and that is why I just can't believe a word you said.

after all, I know deep inside we're humans.
the impatient, weak, pathetic, disgraceful humans.