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getting personal

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

warning, personal blog post.

aku rasa mcm dah habis exam. no, belum lagi habis. satu lagi paper. satu lagi! tapi mood hilang. biasalah. towards the end rasa mcm maaaaaaaaaaaaalas semacam. ugh. harap2 esok aku boleh start kumpul mood. lepas exam latin semalam terus rasa mcm bingung2 sikit. haha. alhamdulillah, so far all the exams i did okay. (ma, ayah, just okay ya. no excellent or what not) im so grateful sebenarnya. kalau nak ukur usaha aku, memang tak setimpal, rasa sangat sangat tak deserve apa yang dapat tapi syukur, Tuhan tu Maha Pemurah. insyaAllah inilah yang terbaik buatku.

aku dah berfikir. kalau-kalau aku diuji dgn fail exam, macamana reaction aku? aku rasa aku rilek je. percaya yang itu terbaik untuk aku. yang melenting mak bapak la. haha. tu aku risau. apa aku nak cakap. "ma, i failed. okbye". confirm dia kasi cancel aku punya extra club activities kat sini. byebye UMNO. HAHA. dah byebye pun. sangat tawar hati dengan reaction si kawan. haih. apa nak jadi.

semalam rasa sangat sangat gembira, bukan sebab result exam ke apa.

1st, i went to a shop with sasa & niza and nampak kasut that are actually my type. idk why there's like super duper excitement there. saya dan sasa happy!! lama tak rasa mcm tu. haha. tgk je la. nak beli tu ada tapi rasanya tak kot. kasut kamu tu banyak, syahaneez. -___-

2nd, went to 5th hostel, jumpa dgn family bahagian sana. <333 i realised that ive been missing them so much! takde hal lah naik tangga 9 tingkat utk korang. LOL. tapi lift, jgnlah lama2 sgt rosak. :/

then 3rd, join sekejap usrah sii ima. hehe menyibuks. rindu untuk berusrah. duduk & share. :)

4th, skype ramai2 with kak farhana who was in st pete. bestnya. lepaskan rindu~

5th, talking to my usrahmate. yeap. *hugs*

6th, this is actually uhm, lagha sikit. uno sessions with them. aha

sangat sangat <3 i just feel so happy. alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdullilah.

dan hari ni sasa and minah gave me cakes! i love people who give me cakes. hehehehe. jazakillah sasa. jazakillah minah. nanti my turn to bake pula. ;P

feel so blessed. just hope i won't go astray. huhu.

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