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In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

some say "do to others what you want others do to you".
to which i say, YES, if you don't like when people say bad things about you, stop saying bad things about others. :)

some say "buat baik berpada-pada, buat jahat jangan sekali".
to which i say, why must we limit our good deeds? sangat kedekut kah kita? kan elok buat benda baik.

some say "ah, buat apa aku buat baik dengan dia, dia jahat gila dengan aku!" or "buat baik banyak sangatakan dipijak kepala".
to which i respond, dia buat jahat, itu urusan dia dengan Tuhan. dan kau buat baik, bukankah itu urusan kau dengan Tuhan juga? Tuhan suka orang buat kebaikan. memang rasa tak worth it lah konon tolong orang "jahat". tapi, we can't judge people like that. everyone is the same, deep deep inside. as for me, a medical student, takkan lah aku nak pilih kasih, tak mahu treat pak cik ni sebab dia penjahat, orang mafia. dan biarkan dia mati. < no. very unethical. mana lah tau, after kita treat pak cik tu, dia akan jadi LEBIH BAIK dari kita sendiri. point is, buat baik je. sebab apa-apa pun, itu untuk kebaikan kita juga.

kita buat baik = Tuhan suka = kita dapat benefit = kita pun suka. (it's sorta a long chain :p)

be good to others, even they're not good to you because trust me, that is the sweetest revenge. wait, no, i'm not telling people to take revenge or anything but, theoretically, isn't it the best revenge? for me it kinda is. ha ha.

let's do good.

but don't be naive.



In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

kenapa bila seorang muslim buat salah, Islam dipersalahkan?
tapi bila orang lain buat salah, tak pulak disalahkan agamanya?

pelik, tapi benar.


In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

what's the meaning of darurat to you?

i've always thought darurat = tak boleh keluar rumah = lockdown = perang dingin. haha.
but tu dulu lah. when belajar sejarah kan. itu je la aku faham. but now lain lah.

today we learn about transplantation, and one of the methods are transplant between animal to human, and the example was pig's organ.

"can you muslim use pig's organ for transplantation?"
"of course not, it's already haram to even touch it."
"but then, what if it's darurat?"
"then yeah, i think we can. it really depends on the condition. for example, you are dying of hunger and the only food you have is pork. you are allowed to eat it. but that is if, if you don't eat you're going to die."
"oh, so you can have the transplant if it's darurat"
"yes, it depends on the situation"

aku takut orang salah faham explanation aku. dan aku salah bagi explanation jugak. tapi, itu ikut kefahaman aku sendiri. tapi bagi aku, nak jadi darurat tu, sangatlah rare. dan bagi aku, aku sanggup tak makan even it's darurat sekali pun.

jangan pandang mudah pasal darurat.

Islam itu mudah, bukan untuk dipermudahkan.

edit : jazikillah for the info. it's quite true as well. but i was told the transplantation is only for temporary. tapi kalau dah bercampur dgn babi, apa lah maknanya? my friend pernah cakap, kalau termakan pork (especially us in the non muslim country) akan jadi darah daging kita. was horrified when i heard that. the explanation i gave was to my non-muslim friend btw. nak bagi info banyak2, saya sendiri kurang ilmu. nak cakap tak tau, apa pula yang akan dia fikir tentang Islam. (you know what they say, kita ni ibarat cermin agama kita. kadang kala kita yang salah, dia akan salahkan agama kita, haih)

and like i said, the real meaning of darurat is.. rather complicated. boleh jadi darurat like you said, kalau dying and the only food ada is pork and rasa nak hidup sbb nak berjuang, etc. for me, aku elakkan semua benda-benda ni. senang cerita. nak tau lebih detail, kena buat research sendiri.

on another note, sedih bila orang ambil mudah tentang halal dan haram.

as we all know, dogs are najis mughalazah. dikatakan haram disentuh. tetapi kalau tersentuh (tidak sengaja ataupun sengaja) hendaklah samak. like i learn before 1 kali air bercampur tanah, 6 kali air mutlak. ada yang guna je sabun mutaharah (betul ke namanya?) tapi i dont know how legit is that soap.

is just sad that people think its nice to touch dogs just like that , thinking we can samak later on.

simply pegang anjing, sebab boleh samak.
